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Our Work

For Better Look, Better Sound as you desire

About Us

From our prime manufacturing facility located in South Korea, to mature and developing markets around the world, our quality products and innovative systems strive to motivate whilst offering best in category solutions that is fundamentally relevant in the field of acoustic and sound control.

This is made possible with over 2,000 projects of experience in construction, and patented technology to enable our engineers and experienced designers to conduct continuous testing and analysis to make our products exceptional.

Over 2,000 cases of experience
in construction & solutions

We provided our services and products to clients from broadcast studios, artists, recording studios, schools, corporate offices, house of worship, restaurants, cafes, & even personal spaces at home & apartments.


Our proprietary patented design provides a solution that sets our products with distinctive character and function that differs from any other products out in the market.


The lowest
Fire spread rate
And minimal
Smoke production

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Create your dream space.
Tell us about your project today.

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